Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The Happy Squirrel

Vacation! Never did a madwoman need a vacation more than I do! Thank goodness it’s here. Not that I didn’t end up working all day Saturday, my first day of “vacation.” Well, the work show must go on too and that one list of updates didn’t get to me until Saturday. Well, it did take me all day but the rest of my week is freedom!
Art Postcard Tarot
(c) Copyright 2010 Marcia McCord

Freedom is not unplanned, however, as I will be attending SF BATS in San Jose. Maybe I’m lucky I have my little car, but there is no problem getting there that two CD’s of the Gipsy Kings can’t cure.

Yes, I’ve done a little planning in advance too. Lucky me, I was asked to teach a class this year! While the full schedule is never published in advance, I just found out that my day will be Sunday and I’m not giving anything away since it is posted officially on the site. So I have my class materials and some give-away items for class participants.

As much as the Tarot Goodness and Lenormand Lushness that is sure to be part of this year’s SF BATS, I’m also looking forward to seeing folks I talk to often but don’t see often enough. The challenge will be to try to fit all the classes, noshing and deep philosophical conversations into a short amount of time. Good news, I’m going early and leaving late. I'm looking forward to the extras, the side trips and all the main events, everything I can soak up. Be prepared, that’s my motto for SF BATS!

I’ve actually already started to pack. I have lists. I have even learned how to use my projector for my class, a small feat of female triumphing over A/V equipment. I still have a few things to do, like get my car cleaned. There’s a little dog food in the floor of the car from a short trip with the dog, a little bit of blue stuff I need to put in windshield reservoir, dresses to iron.

I’m going to worry about my hair, whether to bring my Birkenstocks and my flat slippers in a bunch of colors, if I’ll possibly be able to apply false eyelashes like I used to for Sweet Adelines. I will have cat-separation-anxiety. I have already been preparing the last couple of weeks for staying up all night with my Extreme Jitters over everything that’s been going on, work, BATS, everything.

I know I’m not the only one who’s excited about the weekend. As I’ve mentioned, a lot of work goes into putting the whole thing together. But a lot of preparation is done by the vendors, teachers and even participants to make the most fun and a meaningful educational experience out of a short time together.
My talented friend Kirsten Weiss actually got my Happy Squirrel started Sunday by interviewing me for a mini-series of blog entries regarding the difference between Tarot and Lenormand. We had a great discussion down in my untidy garden, sipping ice water and enjoying the breeze. We then retreated to my dining room where I brought out my box of Lenormand goodies including the antique decks I feature in my class presentation. I showed her Dondorf Carreras decks and a couple from the 1800’s, plus a few non-oracular goodies I picked up at auction from the Stuart Kaplan collection. Her posts will come in October and I’ll be sure to post a link to them here when they are published.

Tarot and Lenormand are exciting for me. Yes, they are built on traditions, some old, some older, some really ancient. They have meaning for me in the modern world in the same way the ocean washes up a whole new beach every day on the shore.

Oh, and just before Kirsten left for home after our great afternoon geeking out with the cards, I had her autograph the third and fourth books in her Riga Hayworth mysteries, metaphysical, supernatural and magical Riga solves crime with a very handsome guy and her very own gargoyle Brigitte. Love that Brigitte! Gotta check that out on Amazon, mystery lovers!

Yup, I’m one Happy Squirrel.

Best wishes!

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